SPCHG is monitoring the developments of COVID19 carefully, responding to the most up-to-date information regarding the spread of the virus. We are following recommendations from the State and Federal Government to ensure that we are doing everything we can to keep staff, residents and clients healthy.


Although SPCHG is doing all we can to help you through this period, the best protection comes from actions you take. To ensure you remain healthy and safe, we encourage everyone to follow Victorian Department of Health guidelines to help prevent the spread.

Staying COVID Safe:

There are things we can all do to make ourselves and others safer. As you live and work, remember these COVIDSafe principles:

  • Face masks are no longer required in most indoor settings but they are still recommended. Carry a mask when leaving home.
  • We strongly recommend that you wear a face mask if you:
    • have any COVID-19 symptoms
    • are with people who may be vulnerable to COVID-19
    • are outdoors and cannot physically distance.
  • Everyone aged 8 years and above is still required to wear a face mask in certain settings unless an exception applies. Read the Face Masks page for information about where masks are required.
  • Get your next COVID-19 vaccine dose as soon as you are eligible. Get vaccinated to protect yourself, your loved ones and your community. If you haven’t had at least two doses of the vaccine, you’re at a much higher risk of becoming seriously ill or going to hospital. It’s strongly recommended you have three doses of the vaccine for the best protection. Book an appointment today.
  • Testing and isolation protocols have changed:
    • If you have COVID-19, or you are a contact of someone who does, read Your COVID Checklist for what to do. You must follow the checklist.
    • If you have symptoms or are a household (or household-like) contact of someone with COVID-19, you must get tested.
    • Most people should use a rapid antigen test as their first option to get tested. If you test positive on a rapid antigen test, you must report your result and isolate because you are a case.
  • You can reduce risks by maintaining 1.5 metre distance from others where possible, using hand sanitiser and practising good hygiene.
  • Ventilation and air filtration helps. Consider opening windows to let the fresh air blow through or catching up with friends outside.
  • Remember to check in where required using the Service Victoria app.

 Vaccination and Testing

Third dose


You are eligible to get rocket australia your “booster” or ‘third dose’ 3 months after your second dose vaccination. Get your third dose through the following pathways:


Calling 1800 675 398







Or visit a StarHealth vaccination site:


StarHealth Prahran Town Hall

Prahran Town Hall is open again for vaccinations. Enter from Chapel Street entrance.

180 Greville St, Prahran VIC 3181

Monday to Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm
Closed daily from 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Click here to book online   Or call 8644 3311 to book over the phone
Accepting walk-ins, but if you do this try later in the day when it’s often quieter. At present, we recommend an appointment.


StarHealth South Melbourne

341 Coventry St, South Melbourne 3205

Open Thursday 9:00am – 4:30pm
Closed between 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Click here to book online
Or call 9525 1300 to book over the phone




Find your nearest testing site by looking up this website: https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/where-get-tested-covid-19


Or visit StarHealth’s testing clinic at Prahran Town Hall:

180 Greville St, Prahran VIC 3181

Pre-register to save time on arrival: https://testtracker.covid19.dhhs.vic.gov.au/citizen-prefill


Find a rapid antigen test (RAT) at a major testing site or on this website: https://findarat.com.au/

Many testing sites are now handing out RATs, so if you go for a PCR test, you might receive either that or a RAT.


Lodge your RAT result here: https://dhvicgovau.powerappsportals.com/rapid-antigen-test/


Here at SPCHG, key measures we have implemented have meant that the way in which we run services and property management are delivered differently: 

  • For the time being, we are meeting with all visitors at the door due to space restrictions in the front office (outside of lockdown periods).
  • Our staff are working on a roster remotely and in the office (outside of lockdown periods).
  • We are putting out a monthly resident newsletter to stay in touch and to help get out vital government and community updates.  
  • To assist in keeping our community safe, Thursday meal collections have been cancelled until further notice.

Our aim is to help keep everyone well and supported and to dour bit to help stop the spread of the virus. If you have ideas or resources to help us support tenants in these challenging times, please get in touch on (03) 9696 1128 or admin@spchg.org.au.  


Repairs and maintenance

As restrictions ease we can commence undertaking non-urgent works at our properties. We will keep our residents updated.  We are working closely with our contractors to ensure that they take the necessary precautions to protect our residents and themselves through this period. We have developed a series of procedures to support this. Call 9696 1128.

We ask you to follow some simple steps to minimise maintenance issues: 

  • Keep your fob / key with you at all times  
  • Maintain airflow in apartment 
  • Don’t flush anything other than toilet paper down the toilet 
  • Take care not to overload power points (no connecting power boards together to create more sockets). 
  • Don’t tip oils or fats down the sink, these can cause blockages. 
  • Don’t leave appliances and lights on when not in use or needed. 

What to do if there is a change in your financial circumstances?

We know that times are difficult for everyone currently. Ware committed to working with our clients and tenants to help get us all through this difficult period. It is still imperative that tenants pay their rent to allow our organisation to continue to provide affordable housingCommunity housing is funded solely by rent collected.  

Please speak to our staff in the first instance, if you are experiencing financial difficulty. 

What we ask of you

  1. Please follow the notices and instructions in the information provided to you regarding protecting yourselves and others from the spread of COVID-19.  
  2. If you are in isolation, or feeling unwell, suspect you have COVID-19 or been in contact with someone who has, let the staff at SPCHG know ASAP and we will help you through this period.  


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