Justin and the Port Phillip Men’s Shed

This story is told by Justin himself:

My Journey so far!

Things have certainly improved for me over the last few years and at the moment everything is pretty good and the future is looking very bright right now.

Looking back and considering where I was, even 18 months ago my life has change dramatically. Being introduced to Elana and the great staff at South Port Community Housing Group was a significant turning point in my journey so far.

Being someone who is willing to help others without being asked or complaining, I have always found it hard to ask for help when I needed it myself and when my hospital treatments went from monthly to weekly then to a few days a week my illness became my life leaving me living out of my car, jobless and very little money to even survive, I became very depressed and wondering why!, why do I need to be here?, Do I want to be here?, Eventually after a couple of months and falling deeper into depression I was offered a room in a rooming house in St Kilda, where I stayed for a short time until the Sacred heart Mission introduced me to Elana at South Port. For a little while it was great I had a warm safe roof over my head and the trips to the hospital were a nice walk. But being the handyman sort of person that I am and usually busy I started to get very bored, lonely and depressed again until I heard about the Port Phillip Men’s Shed which not only gave me a chance to use my handyman skills and knowledge but introduced me to others who have become my friends.

Through the Men’s Shed I heard that Uniting needed some volunteers to help with their bike program BOLT, (https://www.southportuniting.org.au/youth-services) which has now turned into a part time job helping the Uniting facilitators who go out to schools and mentor young students with the help of the Bikes Over Lunch Time programs. So now I am working at Uniting on the bikes and supervising others at the Dorcas Street Men’s Shed which has led to the Men’s Shed making some outdoor furniture for the South Port Community Housing Group’s properties and the future is looking very bright for me right now!.
The Men’s Shed have three sheds in port Phillip, one in Port Melbourne (the metal shop) and two in Dorcas Street South Melbourne (the woodworking shops) and from 11th August, 9am – 1pm at the South Port Uniting Shed, 317 – 329 Dorcas St, South Melbourne they will be opening the doors to Women.

Any enquiries may be directed to either:
Don Laird, Secretary, Mob: 0438 001 721
Bob Small, President, Mob: 0417 067 319

So I would like to finish this little story of my journey so far, with a big thankyou to all of the people who have helped me over the last couple of years and in particular the staff at South Port Community Housing Group for the fantastic accommodation and friendship that they have provided me with and the future IS LOOKING BIRGHT RIGHT NOW!

Justin. July 2017

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