It’s Homelessness Week and the 2018 theme is ‘Ending Homelessness together’

Homelessness week is coordinated by national peak body, Homelessness Australia.


  • Right now, more than 116,000 Australian are homeless #HW2018
  • On any given night in Australia, 1 in 200 people are homeless
  • The main causes of homelessness are poverty, unaffordable rents, and family violence
  • To fix these problems we need a national plan to #endhomelessness and a #nationalhousing strategy to deliver 500,000 social and affordable rental homes
  • We need homes that people can afford to end homelessness
  • Currently 189,000 Australians are on social housing waiting lists
  • Despite the increased need, federal homelessness funding has remained static. 1-in -3 people were turned away from homelessness services last year due to a lack of resources


Jump on the link below and sign the ‘Everybody’s Home’ petition. South Port Community Housing Group  is an official partner of this campaign that is striving to put an end to homelessness.

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