Support us


Donations are tax deductible. 100% of cash donations received will be used to directly fund our recreation and social support programs.

Community organisations rely on community support. We focus only on delivering community housing and homelessness services in this local area and meeting identified community needs. We are a small, lean and effective organisation which makes every dollar count.

We are a Registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission- with Deductible Gift Recipient status.

We work closely with the State Government and have the following government accreditations:
  • Registered Housing Provider with the Victorian Government Housing Registrar
  • Specialist Homelessness Services Provider (youth homelessness) with Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
  • Registered not-for-profit Incorporated Association in Victoria
  • Long term leasing arrangements with the State Government for State-owned community housing properties

If you think you might like to support us or get involved in some way:

  • Get to know more about us. Ring our CEO, Charlie Beckley, for a chat. 9696 1128. Drop in to our office at 259 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne. We’ll explain our services.
  • Make a donation. Donations are tax deductible. 100% of cash donations received will be used to directly fund our recreation and social support programs.
  • Teach a skill at one of our social/recreational groups.
  • Talk to our Chair, Maria Tarrant, about how to get involved on our Board or one of our Committees.

‘Social networks are important in all our lives, often for finding jobs, more often for finding a helping hand, companionship, or a shoulder to cry on’.

Claude S. Fischer, American Sociologist.


Phone: (03) 9696 1128
Office: 259 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne
Hours: 9:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday

Maintenance After Hours: Call the office number and follow the prompts.

Email address:
Postal address:
South Port Community Housing Group Inc.
PO Box 207
South Melbourne Vic 3205

CEO: Charlie Beckley
Manager Housing Operations: Elana Kopke
Manager Corporate Services: Steve Timmerman
Chairperson: Maria Tarrant

Support us! Drop us a line! We are open to new ideas for working with the broader community to enhance our work.